79 Devine Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95110


How to Take Legal Action After a Dog Bites Your Child 

 Posted on June 05, 2023 in Personal Injury

palo alto dog bite lawyerSadly, more than 50% of dog bite victims are children. They also tend to suffer the most serious injuries since dogs can attack them on their head, face, and neck. If your child has been injured in a dog attack, consider contacting a personal injury attorney for help. Your lawyer can help you file a dog bite injury claim against the dog’s owner to hold them responsible for your child’s injuries. You may be able to receive compensation for your child’s medical bills, pain and suffering, and other damages. 

Dogs can get very anxious. Oftentimes, it is their anxiety that causes them to bite. Small children may make sudden and unpredictable movements that can frighten a dog. Even if the child is not the cause of the dog’s anxiety, they may be the one who is around and on the dog’s level when the animal bites out of distress.

Not only do dogs like to guard what they feel is their own space, but they also do not like others approaching their food. The child may not know that and could get too close to the dog’s food. Unfortunately, dog bites can leave lasting physical and mental scars. 

California Dog Bite Laws

California law holds a dog’s owner strictly liable when the animal bites and injures a small child. 

This means dog bite victims who bring a lawsuit do not need to show that the dog had bitten anyone previously or that the owner acted in a reckless or negligent manner. All you need to show is that:

  • The dog bite victim was lawfully on private property or on public property at the time of the attack

  • The victim suffered injuries because of the dog bite that led to damages

A dog bite injury claim in California can help the victim (or the victim's parents) receive compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other damages. You may also be able to recover damages for mental anguish, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more. If your child has been injured in a dog attack, contact a personal injury lawyer with experience handling these types of cases. An experienced attorney can help you gather the evidence and information needed to prove your claim and pursue maximum compensation for your injuries.  

At the end of the day, dog owners must be held responsible when their animals bite or attack someone else. By filing a legal claim, you can hold them accountable for their negligence and obtain justice for yourself and your family.  Remember that dog bites can have serious and long-lasting effects, so it is important to take action and protect yourself from further harm.

Contact a Santa Clara Dog Bite Injury Lawyer Today

An experienced Palo Alto dog bite injury lawyer at the Cory Fuller Law Office can help you recover full financial compensation when you or a family has been injured by a dog. You can call us today at 408-234-7563. We offer free consultations. 




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