79 Devine Street, Suite 100, San Jose, CA 95110


4 Diversion Programs for Juveniles

 Posted on June 12,2024 in Criminal Defense

CA defense lawyerThe juvenile justice system is focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment. When it is reasonable to do so, courts prefer to send minors to juvenile diversion programs instead of jail. Diversion programs can address the underlying issues that led the minor to commit a crime. These programs may involve substance abuse or mental health treatment and community service. The goal of a diversion program is to help a minor prepare to live a law-abiding and productive life instead of continuously reoffending. These programs can be especially helpful for children from disadvantaged communities as well as those who struggle with their mental health and could benefit from guidance and supervision. A San Jose, CA juvenile criminal defense attorney can help guide your child toward one of these programs.

Diversion Options for Juveniles 

A few of the juvenile diversion programs offered in California include:

  • Deferred Entry of Judgment - This is a pretrial intervention. If a minor successfully completes the program, his case is dismissed without judgment. Juveniles who agree to DEJ will have to fulfill requirements like regular school attendance, community service, adhering to a curfew, and getting counseling to help them avoid reoffending. 
  • Juvenile Probation Prevention and Early Intervention - This program is designed for children who commit minor, low-level offenses like misdemeanor retail theft. Juveniles can be referred to this program by the police and complete it instead of facing prosecution. The program is designed to connect juveniles to resources that will help them avoid crime in the future and address any underlying causes. 
  • Mental Health Court - If your child has been diagnosed with a serious mental illness, like Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder, or has a disability that affects his cognition, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, her case could be referred to a mental health court. This option is only available to minors charged with minor offenses such as property crimes. 
  • Drug Treatment Court - If your child is struggling with a substance use disorder, his case can likely be sent to drug treatment court. Unless he is charged with a sex crime, a violent crime, or distributing drugs worth over $100, he can likely be sent to a treatment program. If he completes treatment and meets the conditions of his probation for a year, his case can be dismissed. 

Contact a San Jose, CA Juvenile Justice Attorney

Fuller Law Firm is dedicated to helping juveniles who have become caught in the criminal justice system. Experienced Santa Clara County, CA juvenile diversion lawyer Cory Fuller will do all he can to help your child avoid conviction and receive the treatment he or she needs. Contact us at 408-234-7563 for a complimentary consultation.

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